Why do we have nightmares and how to stop them?

Why do we have nightmares and how to stop them?

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When we say goodbye as a child, we leave monsters under the bed, but we can approach our head as an adult.

Nightmare is so More common in childhoodHowever, it has been reported that there are occasional nightmares everywhere in 50 % to 85 % of adults.

Most people can experience nightmares.

“”dream Usually, incorporating what happened during the day, some researchers assume that dream, Rapid eye movement Joshua Tal, a sleeping psychologist based in Manhattan, states:

“Nightmare is an attempt to understand these events by regenerating them into images during sleep.”

What is a nightmare? American Sleep Medicine Academy Call it a vivid, realistic and disturbing dream, including the threat to survival and safety that often evokes anxiety, fear, and fear.

If someone often has nightmares (twice or twice a week or twice a week), he may have pain or disability between workplaces and people, he or she may have a nightmare disability. 。 Treatment includes drugs and behavioral therapy.

Dealing with frequent nightmares is important because they are also linked. insomnia,, depression and Suicide behavior。 Nightmares are also related to heart disease and obesity because they can cause sleep deprivation.

Try these 10 steps to relieve nightmare and improve sleep and life quality.

Nightmares occur during rapid eye movement. It’s time to relax and dream. Waking up during sleep reminds me of my dreams and the pain of its results, Jennifer Martin, a member of the David Gefen Medical School of the University of California and a member of the American Sleep Medicine Academy Board of Directors, Jennifer Martin. I mentioned it. 。

“One of the most effective ways to treat adult nightmares is to make them really sleepy,” Martin said.

A healthy sleep routine produces sleep. Develop one Exercise, set a regular sleep and wake -up time, work in a relaxed and cool room in the afternoon, avoiding exciting drinks in the afternoon.

Alcoholic beverages can be calm and awakened overnight.

“Many people use alcohol as a way to fall and feel sleepy at the end of the day, but it’s not a really correct solution,” she added. Please try it instead Herbal tea and other drinks We promote sleeping. If you were drinking Only a part of the relaxation routine should be chatted with a partner or instead.

Martin said he would drink one cup more than three hours before the bedtime was good. Be careful whether it can take a nap and alert after dinner at bedtime, and eliminate the drink if so.

Avoid snacks before going to bed, spike your metabolism, and do not activate your brain.

Snacks can increase metabolism, which can be more active in your brain and can lead to nightmares. National Sleep Foundation

Some people sleep well after eating snacks, so you should stop eating 2-3 hours Before going to bed. If you notice that there is a nightmare, try to avoid night snacks and heavier meals before going to bed.

Some medicines can promote nightmare by interrupting REM sleep.

“If people can identify that their nightmares have started or increased when they change their medicine, that’s definitely the reason for talking to a doctor,” said Martin about medication schedules and alternatives.

Melatonin is a popular sleep assistance, but it regulates REM sleep and affects the rhythm that can lead to a smaller nightmare. If you want to take melatonin for a better sleep, Martin says that you are taking it at the right time, cooperating with a sleep expert so as not to worsen the problem. Ta.

A calm activity can disable battle or flight reactions and trigger a relaxation system.

Relaxing of progressive muscles -It is effective in reducing nightmares by sucking in muscles and relaxing while exhaling.

“The nightmare activates the natural reaction of the body,” battle or flight system “, and the natural reaction of the imminent danger,” said Tal.

“The body also has a natural relaxation system. The parasympathetic nervous system, a“ rest and digestion ”system. Relaxing muscles and other relaxation activities helps activate the system.

Journaling helps to release anxiety.

Write down your worries and pull all of them in advance so that they don’t raise an unstable head at night. Tal said that journaling could generally help reduce nightmares and stress.

Exciting or disturbing content images you see before going to bed can appear in your dreams.

Martin suggested that our nighttime observations could appear during sleep, and before going to bed, “spend more emotional neutral or positive energy.”

During the pandemic, our daily life looks pretty scary. “Reading news media and then jumping into the bed is more likely to cause an upset dream in the way than looking at the last vacation photos with your family,” she added.

Tal said that the image rehearsal therapy was effective when chronic nightmares show similar themes and patterns.

Nightmares can learn brain behavior, so This practice Write down the elements of the dream story in detail. Next, rewrite your dreams and make it positive. Immediately before falling asleep, set the intention of reproducing, saying, “If you have the same bad dream, or at any time, you can have such a good dream with positive results.”

“Practice rewriting in the daytime increases the possibility of having them at night while sleeping instead of nightmares,” said Tal.

Silence is a sleep routine key, but Martin said, “It’s a good strategy for those who don’t like being completely quiet or who have woke up with noise that cannot be controlled at night.” 。

In order to help your brain adapt, she added a fan, white noise machine or app for a few consecutive nights.

If you’re still having a nightmare, talk to a therapist or sleep expert.

“Nightmares may be signs of bigger problems, such as PTSD and mood disorders,” said Tal. “It is possible to treat nightmares without treating fundamental disability, but it may also help to treat both symptoms and disorders.

“The psychological treatment of nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, and mood disorders had a great progress,” said Tal. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Psychotherapy is functioning, often short -term accessory.”


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